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Modular Kitchen Interior Designer in Gurgaon - We Decor Home

While hiring a modular kitchen interior designer in Gurgaon, choosing the right garbage bin might not be the first thing on your mind but it should be and considerable thought should go into choosing a one. 


Modular Kitchen Interior Designer in Gurgaon

We Decor Home a premium home interior designer in Gurgaon offering a range of services such as apartment interior Designer in Gurgaon, bedroom interior design and other designing services gives some insights into some trash bins available in the market these days.

First, in the basic bin, the manual one that has a lid which is simply needed to be lifted, every time you have trash to throw. The thing which makes it more preferable is it is cheap.

Then there is pedal one, where you have literally have a pedal that opens the lid of the bin. The advantage is you don't need a lid it opens automatically with pressing the pedal and it really works in the kitchen.

Push Bin is one that works on spring mechanisms. It opens on one side as push the other side down. Here you can use the trash in your hands to push the lid down, most of the time. But it won't be always possible to use hands for trash and to open the lid. Thus pedals are most popular and commonly used in the kitchens.

The most expensive ones are the automatic ones. They have an infrared motion detector that responds to your slightest movement, making a more sophisticated trash bin.  

Here are a few ideas suggested by experts for right kitchen bins

Choose a bin that has a capacity ideal with the kitchen space as well as the number of people who are using it. Now we have bins for different types of trash (plastic, dry, wet waste, and so on). Look for a bin that has different compartments.

While you just think it is trash, the design and aesthetic aspects matter a lot but the size of the bin has equal importance. when you go to buy a one, focus on both practical and visual factors.

Having any questions or queries then feel free to connect with us at info@wedecorhome.com.